Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's a Google Miracle!

It's a record-breaking day, folks. My Google Reader is at ZERO new posts. That's right. Zero. None. At all. It's wonderful.

Don't understand why that's so exciting? Yesterday I was at 547.

I'm taking a week off from the Internet next week. It'll be interesting to see how high my Google Reader gets. I'll be honest, I'm slightly terrified.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! (and where are you going for the honeymoon?)

Meg Ruth said...

Dragon Lady you need to fix this blog color. It's out of control! I can barely see what I'm clicking on.

When I went on my honeymoon I came back to over 1000 blog posts. Google Reader didn't even tell me how many I had because I was over 999...good luck.