Monday, August 04, 2008

Plant Spotlight - Amber

I love plants. I fell in love with house plants in particular back in August when Chilly introduced me to Plant Day. What a blessed, life-changing event. Thanks Chilly! In fact, Azriel came to my house last night and one of the first things she said was, "Your house is a greenhouse." I took that as the deepest compliment.

I took pictures of all of my plants awhile ago. I love them. I've named them. Of course I must photograph them. And now, I shall blog about them. If you don't like plants, or think I am silly, feel free to skip any post starting with "Plant Spotlight" in the title.

For now, I present to you, Amber:


This is most likely going to be the most artsy picture of any of my plants. I can't even guarantee that it's a good artsy. Whatever. I like it.

Amber is my avacado tree. She's the first of my house plants, but she didn't start the obsession. She was planted after a dinner at Brother Sr.'s house when we had three avacado seeds leftover and Brother Sr. thought I should plant them. Why not? It took ages for those three little sticks to poke up, but then they thrived beautifully. Y'know, once they got leaves. I love Amber.

Sadly, she went through a time of tragedy, which is documented here. After weeks of death, I plucked off all of the dying leaves and she started to produce more leaves. That's when this picture was taken. It's purpose was actually to show the new growth at the top.

Since then, a second stem has died. I mourned. But the third is holding strong. She guards my front door at my new house and is closely monitored. Her leaves are slightly wilted, but this time she hasn't turned all orangish/brown.

Everyone keep your fingers crossed that she'll make it out of this one.
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