Monday, July 28, 2008

In which technology replaces humans

I'm currently trying to send an email to a group mailing list in order to answer a question I received at work.  However, my email address has changed from to so they don't think I'm actually subscribed, so they won't let me send anything in it.  I had to jump through all of these hoops and send all sorts of emails and click on confirmation buttons to prove that I wasn't sending spam.  All of it was worth it, however, when I received the following in an email:

Your message to [email address here] has been forwarded to the
"list owners" (the people who manage the [company name] list). If you wanted
to reach a human being, you used the correct procedure and you can ignore
the remainder of this message.

Heartless pointed out the irony of an automated response telling me that I reached a human being.

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