Friday, November 02, 2007


Brother decided that All Saints Day is a highly under-celebrated holiday. Everyone celebrates All Hallows Eve (Halloween) ... but why celebrate the evil day and not the saintly one? Thus the idea for a party was born.

Earlier this week:
Brother: "What kind of food should we have at our party?"
DL: "Swiss cheese--because it's holey."
Brother: [laughs] "Good idea!"

We then proceeded to list off all the food we could think of that was holey. Donuts, cheerios, fruit loops, bagels, etc.

Brother: "I kind of want something more substantial. I wonder if there is a patron saint of cooking."

Google search later...
DL: "Ok, we've got San Lorenzo. Patron of boiled foods. So... pasta, candy, etc."
Brother: "Pasta! Let's do it!"
DL: "Can we still have swiss cheese? Just for good measure?"
Brother: "Of course."

Later that night:
DL: Tells roommates and friends about the party.
The Cold One: "I want to see this web page."
DL: Shows her the web page.
The Cold One: "Groooossss!"
DL: "What?"
The Cold One: "He's the patron saint of boiled foods because of how he died?!"

Huh. Must have glossed over that. So I looked it up on Wikipedia. Here's the best part of the article:

It is said that Lawrence was burned or "grilled" to death. Legend says that he was so strong-willed that instead of giving in to the Romans and releasing information about the Church, at the point of death he exclaimed "I am done on this side! Turn me over and eat."

I emailed the page to Brother and suggested grilled chicken.

Later this week:
I had emailed Brother about something completely different. He replied and added, "I'll call you tomorrow about our barbecue. I'm thinking shish kabobs." I wrote him back simply, "You're sick."

We ate shish kabobs. They were actually quite tasty... if you didn't really think about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Somehow, seeing a story like this on your blog doesn't really surprise me.