Thursday, March 27, 2008

Good or bad?

Yesterday was a very... interesting day. It wasn't a bad day by any means. Rather, I was in a quite fantastic mood. But the symptoms of a good day and a bad day were both very prevelant.

The day started when The Cold One couldn't start her car. The battery was dead. (Turned out to be worse than even that... corrodedness and such.) I gave her a ride to campus for class, then came home and took my time getting ready, called the dealership and set up an appointment for her, then picked her up when she was done. We then went to jump her car and found out that when I got my oil changed last time, they had done a fabulous job of pulling my hood cable back into my car. [sigh] So we couldn't use my car to jump it. I went to the neighbors' house... no answer. Off to the girls' house on the corner. One came over and jumped the car, then The Cold One and I sat there discussing if she should go to the dealership or Checkers. So she called Checkers and they wouldn't be able to install her battery for her. So we called AutoZone. They said they were empty and could install it. So she went on her way and I headed to work. (Turns out, AutoZone was busy when she got there, so she just went to the dealership instead, which ended up being a very good thing with all the corrodedness and such that had to be fixed as well.)

On my way to work I saw two people in my ward walking to campus, so I gave them a ride. The girl pronounced blessings upon my head for such a good deed. I accepted them gratefully. I dropped them off, then realized I had left my access badge at home, so I had to turn back. [sigh] So much for blessings. But then I got to work and miraculously found an amazing parking spot! I was well pleased.

Work went well for quite awhile until one of the missionaries decided to read The Elders Journal while she waited for a book to load and promptly found 7 missing pages. Not what I wanted to hear. So I came back and asked the Heartless Siren (who was in SLC) if she could find the harddrives that the images were on. Of course, they were nowhere to be found in my cubicle. After a few frantic emails and searches, I was petrified--I had lost months worth of work. A huge project. My first real project. Fear was boiling up in my insides. Then one well-placed chat later, the drives were found. We had put them somewhere for "safekeeping." You know, one of those places you'll put things in order not to lose them. [rolls eyes]

Then I looked at our stats for this month thus far, and got really giddy. So my attention was diverted to making a report in Access to show how many books have been loaded every month for each site since we started our current process. It was lots of fun, except I'm not very Access-savvy quite yet. So Heartless helped me until she couldn't figure it out anymore, then we took it over to Yellow and he fixed it for us. Much Access learning for Dragon Lady yesterday.

Oh, and somewhere in there, I got a bloody nose. I never get bloody noses. I don't even remember the last time I got one.

Then it was time for Enrichment. Following tradition, I announced one time in church and sent out an email with a different time. I lose. [rolls eyes] But, we had a decent turn out (considering our last several Enrichments and the size of the place). And I bought pizza for everyone. And we had raspberry cheesecake which was made with pudding and really, really good. And I made four adorable Thank You cards. And then, it went late. So I was late for my bowling league. And then I got there to find out that this year they decided to do a tournament and only the top 16 teams got to bowl in it. And we were #17. (Due largely to the fact that we haven't showed up many, many times.) So instead of letting it ruin our night, Coworker K ran home (or rather, drove) and got August Rush and brought it back to my house where we ate leftover pizza and popcorn while watching the movie. It was quite fun.

I was in a very energetic mood, apparently. And I got rather emotionally involved with this movie. It also helped that I was surrounded with other people who hadn't seen it and were willing to gasp and moan and groan and cheer at the same parts I did. So I didn't feel dumb doing it by myself. Coworker K was particularly entertained by my grabbing my hair/head, flailing my arms, and pulling up my legs to hug them. It was rather kind of fun. It reminded me a lot of the day that Heartless and I watched John Q. But that one was much more intense. We were both screaming and yelling and shaking our fists and curling up in terror... the entire movie. It was great. Anyway, back to last night. Yeah, I would definitely recommend August Rush. I didn't get into it at first... it was kind of strange seeing Robin Williams as the creepy guy. And yeah, it could be considered rather hoky. But overall, I rather liked it. Mom and Sister, I think you'd both enjoy it. (Also, it's PG.) Also, I want to buy the soundtrack. It was really fun.

So good and bad things all day. I'm glad I was in such a good mood that the night was able to end in pure happiness, despite all the dumb things that happened throughout the day. I definitely fell asleep with a smile on my face.

1 comment:

Brooklyn said...

I've had a pretty crappy day thus far and so I really appreciated reading this and seeing your happy attitude:) thanks girlo.