Thursday, September 20, 2007

I hate packing

I'm on a 5-day business trip right now. I packed everything in one little rolling suitcase and my laptop case. Everyone was shocked. And not because I typically pack a lot or anything, but because they couldn't fathom five days with such a small suitcase. I think they're all crazy. Really, what more could I need? I needed 2 dresses, 1 pair of dressy-slacks, a couple of t-shirts, a pair of jeans (that I wore there), and pjs. I needed a few toiletries (but remember that shampoo, etc., is provided by the hotel) including my hair dryer and curling iron. (Turns out the hair dryer was unnecessary—there's one on the wall by the sink.) My two pairs of dress shoes took up the most room. (Yes, I admit, I could have gotten by with one... but then I would have had to pick a different dress... and it was 2 am. Consider it my space splurge.) I packed a Book of Mormon, figuring I didn't need my quad, and then I had one in case I had an opportunity to give it away. I packed Myst as my leisure reading. I even packed an external hard drive that took up about a fourth of my suitcase. Really, though, what else did I need? And if it all fits into a carry-on... why pack something I'll have to check? That's silly.

Am I really that weird?

1 comment:

Olympus said...


Myst, ehh? HAHAHA.