Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Peter Panning

I'm supposed to be updating my real life blog... I struggle. I was catching up on reading blogs today. I've gotten so far behind and had some extra time today. I got to one and as I was reading, I gasped internally when I saw real names and pictures of the person. Then I realized that blogs are not limited to people hiding behind a nym. This is silly that I needed this realization, since I have a real blog with real names and pictures on it. Even sillier because I'm pretty certain that most people who read this blog also know me in real life.

Sometimes I wish I had a really anonymous blog that had an audience. Even this supposedly anonymous blog is personal for every other Board writer and many readers. I even sent the link to my sister who doesn't read the Board so that she can keep up on my life, since I'm way behind on my real life blog. I think of things sometimes that I want to tell people, but I don't want people I know to read. Why is that? They're not bad things. I would have no problem saying them to someone I don't know well. A coworker, perhaps. But to those people that matter most, I hide them. To be honest, I can't even think of an example right now. But I know there was one that spurred this thought in my head. Apparently I really wanted to blog about it... [rolls eyes]

I'm having a great week. I'm out of town for a business trip. I'm staying in the most amazing hotel room, complete with a full kitchen (I even have a dishwasher!), a living room with a couch and fireplace, queen sized bed, and nice bathroom. They feed me a good breakfast and dinner. I'm enjoying the alone time, doing whatever I want... though, I've realized I'm too addicted to chat and talking to the people I love most. I've had good, productive days. I've learned new tricks, and I've gained a knowledge about our site out here that will help me communicated better in the future, and hopefully get things working more smoothly. I'm going to a conference tomorrow that will hopefully give me enough knowledge for me to secure another business trip sometime in the future to Hawaii. We'll see. (wishful thinking anyway.) Somehow, though, I'm still missing home. (Home meaning Provo, which, really has become my second home.) As crazy busy as my life is there, there are things there that I've learned to count on... and I'm missing them. A lot. Thank goodness for little things that can be done long-distance that make me smile. :)

I saw a billboard this morning for a grocery store. It said, "Home of the original Apple Macintosh," and had a picture of a barrel of apples. It made me laugh really hard.

There's a boy at the site I was working at the last two days doing a service mission. He sat next to me for several hours this morning. He's in a wheelchair and my first thought was, unfortunately, judgmental. But after today, I realized that he is incredibly bright and funny.
I feel rather stupid about my initial, unconscious judgment. I haven't laughed that hard at work for a long time. It made me realize that I miss working in the Dungeon... I miss working with people my age.

I don't want to grow up. I want to go back to being irresponsible and putting off my 10 page papers to the day before. I want to stay up all night and fall asleep in my Hebrew class of four the next morning. I want to not know what to major in and just take classes for fun. I really want to take basket weaving again and join another bowling league. I want to be busy doing homework in the evening instead of having my evenings free and everyone else doing homework. Ok... maybe not really. I like my job. I like my paycheck. I like not having the stress of deadlines and school. But I don't like moving onto the next stage of life without everyone else.

Wow... this makes me sound depressed or something. I'm so not. I am in a fabulous mood. I am loving life. I had a hard weekend last week, so this week is incredible by simple comparison. I randomly laugh just thinking about how things just slide off my back today that last week would have sent me into tears. I'm so glad that I'm not an emotional girl all the time. Boo to emotional weeks. (I think I know a person or two who will boo with me...) Cheers to happy weeks! (I just had a quote from the Village pop into my head... I don't know all of it... but here's one part: "I love you like the day is long!" Perhaps it's cruel of me, but I think that part is really funny. hehehe)

Special thank you's to all of you out there who bring smiles to my face. And a hug to all those who make me laugh and giggle. I can't wait till this weekend when we can all smile, laugh, and giggle all together again!

1 comment:

Wally_III said...

This post made me laugh HA! "Long and Loud and Clear" I know what you mean about posting only I have a problem doing it to any of my blogs...hmmmm...wait, then again I don't have any real life ones, so--never mind.