Friday, September 14, 2007

The wheels on the bus go round and round...

I hit snooze this morning the appropriate number of times. Then came the mistake--I got back into bed. I woke up again at 6:25. I have to leave my house before 6:30 in order to catch my bus. Needless to say, no makeup, no full water bottle, no breakfast, snack or lunch. (I did manage to grab the bag of cookies I made last night.) I was pulling out of my driveway at 6:28. I even had enough time to stand in line at the bus stop and wait for the bus to show up.

You'd think I would have been able to sleep on the bus today. I rarely have problems with sleeping on the bus in the morning. But alas, little things kept my sleepy eyes open for most of the trip. Even when they weren't open my brain was active. You know the songs where they take a bunch of random items and make music, such as the Blue Man Group banging on trash cans at the beginning of a movie to show how cool the sound system of that theater is? That was my bus this morning. I could have sworn the girl next to me was slapping her arm and snapping in a rather catchy rhythm. But every time I looked over, she was sitting very still, probably asleep, and the sound continued. I'm thinking it was something to do with the metal and window right there. At the same time, there was metal clanging from somewhere up by the driver, as well as the gentle hum of the bus. Then, there is the random and mysterious melodic tune that sounds from the front of the bus. It's on every 801 that I've ever ridden. And it's rather loud. Typically wakes me up. Grrr... I've always wondered what it is and what it's for. Anyone? Anyone?

As soon as we got onto the freeway, a deaf guy that rides the bus walked up to the driver and asked her to turn off the lights. Being deaf, his speech was hard to understand. I'm not sure she understood, but he didn't wait to find out. As soon as he had made his request, he turned and walked back. The driver, looking slightly confused, pushed a button so something started ringing. I wonder if she was calling UTA headquarters to ask how to turn off the lights because, when no one answered the ringing, she started playing with all the buttons on her dashboard. The only thing she accomplished was to turn the A/C on higher. Good thing I grabbed my sweater in my random choice of clothing this morning.

I know I saw every temple on the way up. I think I fell asleep somewhere just past Jordan River. Mostly because I remember waking up to a kinked neck and my big tube of paper I was carrying falling to the floor. The nice boy across the isle got it for me. At one stop in SLC, our driver turned away someone trying to get on the bus, because really, he'd just have to stand. But by this time, we were in the Free Fare Zone, so every bus stops at every stop. She recommended he get the next one. The North side of the COB is closed for cleaning until Conference, so I decided to try getting off at the previous stop, to see if it was faster. I watched the bus and the people walking to the COB that certainly got off at the normal stop. I beat them by about 30 seconds. Further walk, though. Not sure which is more worth it. At least, in heels. If I could wear my chacos, the decision would be easy. The elevator ride was uneventful.

As I sat down at my desk, I realized how many things I have to do. It's incredible. Especially since I'll be gone all next week on a business trip. Yipes. It'll be a busy day. I decided to get things running that take forever and my computer does on its own. Yesterday I had my coworker finish unzipping some files for me, since I had to run to a meeting. I opened the folder first thing this morning. Typically, it unzips into folders. Nope. Not today. After a half an hour of putting files into folders, I still have almost 3,000 files sitting in here, waiting to be organized.

All this before 8 am.

Watch out day... here I come.

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