Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Waterfalls are, by far, my most favorite natural beauty. I could sit and stare at a waterfall for hours. Whenever I see one, no matter how much of a rush I am in, I must hesitate, if even for a moment, to revel in the beauty of it.

Today I left work really late. I had to exit underground and come up by the Relief Society building. As I entered Temple Square Plaza, I had the choice to go straight out to North Temple, or to take a slight detour through the small garden area. I had an overwhelming need to feel a bit closer to God, so I chose the garden area. I walked slowly through, enjoying the greenery and the smell of the flowers. I stood for awhile, gazing at the temple, remembering the good things that the gospel has brought into my life. I finally headed out towards North Temple and just before you cross the road there was one last reminder to me of God's love--a waterfall. It's just a small waterfall. Most would probably call it a fountain or something. It's just running water cascading down variously placed bricks. As the water hit each brick, it was sent of in some other direction. With the many different levels of bricks, the water made a gorgeous cascading fall to the pool below. The sight touched me. I stopped walking and just stared at the waterfall, soaking it in. I couldn't help but think, y'know, it's the opposition of the bricks that make this waterfall beautiful. What a lesson to learn--that opposition is what makes life beautiful. It really was what I needed to hear right then. I need to know that there's a reason for all this opposition in my life. I was somewhat comforted by this thought as I walked the rest of the way to the parking garage.

And then, my car wouldn't start. I had left the lights on all day. [sigh] Go figure*.

*Ok, ok. Even this disheartening event that made me laugh to keep from crying helped me see God's hand in my life. It took a series of small miracles to get my car started... and to get my hood latched, because, of course, it decided to choose this day to break. So I suppose there you go--case in point. Two oppositions that laid out a handful of miracles sent just for me. That, in and of itself, is beautiful.


Chillygator said...

I wasn't going to comment (because I do that way too much), but I'm laughing too hard. I was about to go to bed but decided to check Google Reader one last time and saw you'd updated (yay!). I read the blog and was talking to bismark saying "Poor DL leaving her lights on...wait! I left the light on in my car!!"

Thank you for saving my car from a dead battery. (o:


bismark said...

you are appreciated.