Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Breaking Social Norms

Today is a day lacking of elevator etiquette. Heartless and I got on the elevator in the parking garage to be met by an adorably cute old man who greeted us with, "Good morning! Have a great day!" And then we stayed in the elevator with him for another floor. Typically you don't stick around when someone tells you to have a great day. So it seemed a bit awkward. But he was super nice and let us get out of the elevator before him and everything.

On the elevator up from lunch, a bunch of us got on and formed your typical circle around the walls of the elevator, broken only where the door opens. The last guy to get on the elevator got on, filled that empty spot, and faced into the elevator. We were now a complete circle (well, rectangle, really) all looking at each other. He didn't even look down or into space. He purposefully looked around at each of us and the food we were holding. Again, awkward.

Today holds one more elevator ride when we go home. I wonder if we'll get a third story...

Also, tangent, but this elevator topic reminded me of a few weeks ago when we learned that elevators really will close on your hand, food, briefcase, camera bag, etc. It is a lie if anyone ever tells you otherwise.


Anonymous said...

Elevators will also close on your entire body and keep trying to close until you force the dang doors open, too.

At least, the Elevator at that place I live does that. Yet another reason to hate elevators.

Dan Cummings said...

Older elevators will, but newer ones with electronic eyes (akin to your remote control) "should" sense that something is in the way. Most elevators I have come upon have this feature. It still is recommended that you never try to hold the elevator by putting your hand/umbrella/briefcase, etc. Using the "open door" button on the inside of the elevator is the safest and most highly recommended way.