Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Dating Game, 1

Boy: "We should do something sometime."
Girl: "Sure!"
Boy: "I'll call you sometime next week and we can set something up.  Or you can call me."
Girl: "Umm.. ok."

Almost two weeks later, Boy has not called Girl.  Should she...

a) Give up on Boy and move on with life.
b) Be stubborn and wait for him to call.
c) Give in and call Boy.

Let it be known that Girl hates calling boys.


Amy Grigg said...

Be stubborn. You don't want a boy who won't take the initiative to call you. Boys who say they'll call a girl and don't call deserve to be taken out and shot.

BJ Homer said...

You can do hard things...


Katria said...

Be stubborn, because that's what I would do.

bismark said...

man up and call him. you would make me do it and you know it.

Anonymous said...

"revenge is a dish best served cold"
Hit him with a snowball the next time you see him!