Monday, January 14, 2008

Mr. Perfect

If I could have my perfect man (which I know I can't) these are qualities he would have. Hopefully, my future love will have many, if not most of them.

- He would open my doors (but not when we're getting out of the car).
- He would hold me when I cry.
- He could tell when something was wrong and ask about it, even if I didn't want to talk about it.
- He would do dishes, just because he knows I hate it.
- He would talk about me to other people. Because he can't stop thinking about me.
- He would say really sweet things about me to other people. When he talked about me, girls everywhere would swoon and say, "I want my husband to be like that."
- Every once in awhile, for absolutely no good reason, he'd buy me a flower. A simple flower.
- He would love my mother.
- He would do things with my family. He would choose to do things with my family.
- He would love games. He would ask me if I wanted to play.
- He would watch chick flicks with me. And maybe even enjoy them.
- He would not drink caffeine.
- He would not watch rated-R movies.
- He would have high standards in music and media.
- He would not justify media. He would have higher standards than I do, so that he could pull me up. Because I would want to be better because he is.
- He would be an all-over nice guy. Like, the kind of guy that everyone loves.
- All of my friends would love him.
- He would never say mean-sarcastic things.
- There would never be anything that he would say that I would automatically feel like I he was degrading me.
- He would love me despite me.
- He and I could and would talk about everything... even the things that aren't pleasant to talk about.
- I would always know how he's feeling about everything. I would be able to look at him and know his emotions.
- He could do the same for me.
- He would know me so well that I could ask him questions about myself and he would know how to answer.
- He could, and would, cook.
- He would be friends with my friends. He would help me be friends with his friends.
- He would be someone I would want as a father for my children.
- He would tell me, often, that he loved me.
- He would cuddle with me.
- He would hold my hand in public.
- He would kiss me in public. (The swift, socially approved, kind of kiss)
- He would tell me he missed me when I was gone.
- He wouldn't want me to leave...even when I had to.
- He would fight dragons for me.
- He would never let my kids talk back to me.
- He would teach my sons to be gentlemen... by example.
- He would teach my daughters how they should expect to be treated... by example.
- He would have spiritual conversations with me.
- He would never make me feel stupid about not knowing things.
- He would be committed to me and only me. I would never have a doubt in my mind as to his feelings for me.
- We would be able to talk about former flames and learn from each other's pasts without jealousy.
- He would trust me.
- I would trust him.
- He would do cute things for me... just to let me know that he cared.
- He would love Harry Potter. He would be able to have intelligent conversation about them with me.
- He could fix my computer when it was broken.
- He would be responsible.
- He would be incredibly rich... from his own hard work. But no one would ever know it.
- He would let me be a secret philanthropist with his hard-earned money.
- He would be fashionable... but not obsessively so.
- He would not spend more time in the bathroom than I do.
- He would encourage me to be a stay-at-home mom.
- He would not begrudge me taking a part-time job if I decided I wanted to, when my kids were in school.
- He would not be controlling, yet he would make my decisions for me when I didn't want to. (Because he would know me well enough to know what I should decide.)
- He would have good taste for interior decorating... because I know I don't. But I still want a cute house.
- He would love shopping at IKEA with me.
- He would bring out the silly side of me... not just tolerate it when it pops up.
- He would encourage me to read.
- He would encourage me to take "me time."
- He would travel the world with me.
- He would help me complete my To Do Before I Die list.
- He would be worthy to be called as an apostle at any point. (Not that he has to become an apostle... but that he would be worthy of accepting such a call.)
- He would hold me to my standards.
- He would push me to be better. Not in a judging or condoning way, but in an encouraging, loving way.
- He would nurse me back to health when I was sick.
- He would sympathize with me through every headache, every black-out, every nauseous moment. I would never feel like he thought less of me because of them.
- He would make me get out and do outdoor things like hiking and playing in the park. But he wouldn't make me do it when I really didn't want to.
- He would have the ability to get me to do things that I outwardly claim I don't want to do, but secretly wish someone would talk me into doing.
- He would know the difference between those things and the things that I really, really don't want to do.
- He would like reading things I write that are 10-pages long.
- He wouldn't mind when I babble and ramble.
- He would be able to hug me on emotional days and make things all better.
- He would encourage me to cook. Often.
- He would even help me cook sometimes.
- He would play Super Mario 3 with me.
- It would not hurt his manly-pride if I beat him in competitions such as Super Mario 3, bowling, or any board or card games. He would still play with me, even if I beat him.
- He won't be impossible to live with when he beats me. (Beats me in terms of games... not as in physically beating.)
- He wouldn't physically beat me. :)
- He would surprise me with things. (Things can be objects, events, words, letters, parties, kisses, etc.)
- He would grab me and kiss me... for no good reason.
- He would share my cheesy sense of humor.
- He would call me pet names. And it would be fun. And feel natural.
- He would not be allergic to cats. And he would let me have one. An inside cat.
- He would be strong where I am weak.
- He would work with wood. And have a shop. So I could go out and smell the fresh sawdust. And he would make beautiful furniture for our house.
- He would be strong. I would be secretly giddy over his muscles.
- He would be a handyman and could fix anything broken in our house.
- He would know enough about cars to not need to take it to the shop for every little repair.
- He would be athletic enough that we could have athletic children. So that I can be a soccer mom.
- He would not expect me to be athletic.
- He would at least seriously consider the names I want to name my children.
- He would go to the temple with me.
- He would let me have a secret passage in our house that I could hide in and only he and I knew about.
- He would let me have a secret passage in our house that our kids could find and not know that we know about.
- He would humor me in my random wants in our future home... and be able to figure out how to make them work.
- He would make me happier than anything. I would be in eternal bliss just to think of him.
- He would love me more than anything. And no one would be able to doubt that. Ever.

This list can (and does) go on... but it's time to go home now.


Anonymous said...

That is the longest list I've ever seen. But a good one. I had a man once who was all of those things...I let him go. *Sigh*

Unknown said...

i swing by occasionally but never comment, but this was too adorable to pass up. thanks for making this list. it's awesome. (especially the bit about the secret passages...) and since it pretty accurately describes my husband, i know there are definitely guys out there who meet your criteria. good luck! :)