Monday, May 12, 2008

I don't dance. Accept it.

I was just listening to Dancing Through Life from Wicked and found one of my own life theories in there:

     Those who don't try
     Never look foolish

Ironically, I typically follow that theory in relation to dancing. But really, I incorporate it into many aspects of life. I fear looking foolish. Considering how likely that is in most things that I could do, it's much more simple to never try. Certain of my friends and loved ones have convinced me to do things that I would never do on my own. Things such as rock climbing, snowmobiling, wakeboarding, working out in public, singing in front of others, etc. However, before all y'all start rejoicing that I'm seeing the light, I cannot say that I didn't feel foolish doing a lot of that stuff. Rock climbing, for example, took me several trips before I started feeling even a semblance of comfort. Wakeboarding... hahaha. I never even got up! It took a lot of convincing to get me out there, and I only ever did it because it was Brother that was doing the convincing and he promised me that he'd be patient with me. He kept to his promise, but I still felt rather foolish that I simply could not get up. I did not go again the rest of the trip; rather, I found various excuses not to get back out there.

For those of you out there who are still trying to get me to go water skiing, sky diving, dancing, running, biking, dancing, or anything else that I don't feel comfortable with, please forgive me when I put you off and refuse to do such activities. I still love you and am grateful that you want to share your favorite things with me. And maybe if you're very persuasive, patient, and if I trust you enough, and you're willing to do said activity with just the two of us, and not in front of a group of people, I may be convinced. After a long period of time. But please understand...if I never try, I'll never look foolish. This is a very appealing thought to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, your motivations in life come from your fears, rather than your love. You try to avoid the stick, but you aren't so interested in the carrot?