Friday, May 30, 2008

Moot whining

You know what else I hate?  That not everyone has the same taste buds that I do.

I've been meaning for quite some time now to make some sort of yummy dessert and take it up to Chillylint and Mama Sleuth to thank them for all of the wonderful things they have done for me.  I was reminded of that this morning and was bemoaning the fact that I didn't have time to make them something yummy.  In the meantime, I was eating the last bit of Praline Fudge that Heartless Siren had given me, in an attempt to comfort myself on the beginning early terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.  When suddenly the brilliant thought hit me... I could stop at the Bookstore and buy some Praline Fudge for them because it is soooo good!  (Yes, that was said in a Teen Girl Squad Voice.)  And then I  bit into a nut.  And remembered that they don't like nuts.  And then I became grumpy because how am I supposed to know what other people like when they don't like the things that I like?  And then I was grumpy enough that I decided to blog about it.  (Yes, I like to whine.  Get over it.  Misery loves company?)

And then I remembered that I'm not even going to SLC today, so this whole pity party session was pointless.

Dear Chillylint and Mama Sleuth ~ 
 Since I shall be in France all next week, I shan't be coming back to SLC for a couple of weeks.  But I promise I'll fulfill my promise of goodies someday.  Also, Chilly, don't worry about those pictures I asked for.  I don't think I'll see you soon enough as I need to send them to Humble Master... oh... yesterday.  Maybe I should work on that today.  Sorry Humble Master!  (Although I know he will never read this, cuz he's not a blog reading kind of person.  Just let it be known that I apologized.)
~ Dragon Lady

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